Placed on this strong floor is a single degree of freedom shaking table (3m x 6m) and testing facilities for the technical approval of seismic response modification devices (elastomeric isolators, friction sliding isolators, displacement and/or velocity rate dependent devices).
Testing apparatus is serviced by an MTS hydraulic system capable of providing flows of up to 1800 litre/min. SisLab also provides the ability to test dissipative devices of varying nature in addition to a second single degree of freedom shaking table (2m x 1m) serviced by a SCHENCK hydraulic system.
Dynamic testing apparatus
The testing machine has a maximum stroke of ± 500 mm, a maximum horizontal load of ± 1000 kN and a maximum vetical load of 8000 kN. The testing machine is serviced by hydraulic system capable of providing flows of up to 1800 litre/min. The apparatus is capable of performing tests on single devices with dimensions of up to 1.7 m long, 1.5 m wide and 0.6 m deep.
Dynamic and pseudo – dynamic testing facilities
The Materials and Structures Test Laboratory – SisLab, School of Engineering of the University of Basilicata, is highly involved in the research and development of innovative techniques for the protection of structures from seismic action. SisLab also provides peer review through the performance of certification testing for the characterization of materials and devices produced two parts.
The second part of the Materials and Structures Test Laboratory – SisLab concentrates on the dynamic and pseudo – dynamic testing structures and their elements. This structural part of SisLab consists of a 6m tall strong wall having a width of 8m that sits on a base isolated strong floor (8m x 16m).
Material characterization facilities
The SisLab is authorized by the Central Technical Sevice in accordance with the Italian code L.1086/71. The Central Technical Service is the Italian department in charge of calibration approval of test apparatus for testing on structural materials (concrete and steel).
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